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2004 Publications

  • Aceijas, C., Stimson, G., Hickman, M., Rhodes, T. Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection and injecting drugs users. AIDS 2004; 18, 2295-303
  • Ashcroft, R., Franey, C. Further ethical and social issues in using a cocaine vaccine: response to Hall and Carter. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004; 30, 341-343.
  • Bonell C Why is teenage pregnancy conceptualised as a social problem? A review of quantitative research from the USA and UK. Culture, Health and Sexuality 2004; 6: 1-18.
  • Bowden-Jones, O., Iqbal, M., Tyrer, P., Seivewright, N., Cooper, S., Judd, A., Weaver, T. Prevalence of personality disorder in alcohol and drug services and associated co-morbidity. Addiction 2004; 99, 1306-14.
  • Craine, N., Walker, A., Williamson, S., Brown, A., Hope, V.D. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C seroprevalence and risk behaviour among community-recruited drug injectors in North West Wales. Communicable Disease and Public Health 2004; 7, 216-9.
  • Crawford, M., de Jonge, E., Freeman, GK., Weaver, T. Providing continuity of care for people with severe mental illness: a narrative review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2004; 39, 265-72.
  • Davis, M., Rhodes, T. Managing seen and unseen blood associated with drug injecting: implications for theorising harm reduction for viral risk. International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15, 377-84.
  • Davis M., Rhodes T., Martin A. Preventing hepatitis C: 'commonsense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs. Social Science and Medicine 2004; 59, 1807-18.
  • Davis, M., Rhodes, T. Beyond prevention? Injecting drug user narratives about hepatitis C. International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15, 123-31.
  • De Angelis, D., Hickman, M., Yang, S. Estimating long-term trends in the incidence and prevalence of opiate/injecting drug use and the number of ex-users: the use of back-calculation methods and opiate overdose deaths. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2004: 160, 994-1004.
  • Dolan, K., Rouen, D., and Kimber, J. (2004). An overview of the use of urine,hair, sweat and saliva to detect drug use. Drug and Alcohol Review 23, 213-217
  • Fitch C., Stimson G., Rhodes T., Poznyak V. Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field. Social Science and Medicine 2004; 59, 1819-30.
  • Fitch C., Rhodes T., Hope V. D., Stimson G. V., Renton A. The role of rapid assessment in drug use epidemiology. Bulletin on Narcotics 2004; 1-2, 61-72.
  • Foss A., Watts C., Vickerman P., Heise L. (2004) Condoms and HIV: weapons of mass protection? British Medical Journal editorial 329(7459):185-186
  • Hickman, M., Taylor, C., Chatterjee, A., Degenhardt, L., Frischer, M., Hay, G., Tilling, K., Wiessing, L., Griffiths, P., McKetin, R. Estimating the prevalence of problematic drug use: a review of methods and their application. Bulletin on Narcotics 2004; LIV, 15-32.
  • Hickman, M., Higgins, V., Hope, V. D., Bellis, M., Tilling, K., Walker, A., Henry, J. A. Injecting drug use in Brighton, Liverpool, and London: best estimates of prevalence and coverage of public health indicators. Journal of Epidemiological and Community Health 2004; 58, 766-71.
  • Hickman, M., Macleod, J., Davey-Smith, G. Effectiveness of preventing frequent cannabis use amongst young people in improving educational achievement. Addiction 2004; 99, 650-1.
  • Hickman, M., Griffin, M., Madden, P., Sondhi, A., Corkery, J., Mott, J., Stimson, G. V. Drug misuse surveillance in the UK: continuing trends from the Home Office Addicts Index to the Drug Misuse Database. Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy 2004; 11, 91-100.
  • Hope, V. D., Gilbert, R., Munro, H., Ncube, F., Gill, N. Improving targeted hepatitis B vaccination. Rapid response to: Hepatitis B infections. British Medical Journal 2004; 329, 1059-1060.
  • Hunt, N. Public health or human rights: what comes first? International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15, 231-7.
  • Hunt, N. Whose harm? Harm reduction and the shift to coercion in UK drug policy. Social Policy and Society 2004;
  • Kumaranyake, L., Vickerman, P., Walker, D., Samoshkin, S., Romantsov, V., Zviagin, V., Emelyanova, Z., Watts, C. The cost-effectiveness of HIV preventive measures among injecting drug users in Svetlogorsk, Belarus. Addiction 2004; 99: 1565-1576.
  • Macleod, J., Oakes, R., Oppenkowski, T., Stokes-Lampard, H., Copello, A., Crome, I., Davey Smith, G., Egger, M., Hickman, M., Judd, A. How strong is the evidence that illicit drug use by young people is an important cause of psychological or social harm? Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy 2004; 11, 281-97.
  • Macleod, J., Oakes, R., Copello, A., Crome, I., Egger, M., Hickman, M., Oppenkowski, T. The psychological and social sequence of use of cannabis and other illicit drugs by young people: systematic review of longitudinal general population studies. Lancet 2004; 363, 1579-88.
  • Martin, A., Stenner, P. Talking about drug use: what are we (and our participants) doing in qualitative research? International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15, 395-405.
  • McCambridge J, & Strang J. The efficacy of single session motivational interviewing in reducing drug consumption and perceptions of drug-related risk and harm among young people: results from a multi-site cluster randomised trial. Addiction 2004 99: 39-52.
  • McCambridge J, & Strang J. Patterns of drug use in a sample of 200 young drug users in London. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 2004 11:101-112.
  • McCambridge J, & Strang J. Drug problems - what problems? Predictors of selected types of drug problems in a London community sample of young people who use drugs. Addiction Research & Theory 2004 12: 55-66.
  • McCambridge J, Platts S, Whooley D, Strang J. It is possible to increase therapeutic commitment, motivation and alcohol activity in the typical GP? Pilot study of Change-Orientated Reflective Listening (CORL). Alcohol & Alcoholism 2004 39: 146-149.
  • McCambridge J, Conlon P, Keaney F, Wanigaratne S, Strang J. Patterns of alcohol consumption and problems among the Irish in London: A preliminary comparison with Dublin pub drinkers. Addiction Research & Theory 2004 12: 373-384.
  • McCambridge J, Gates S, Smith LA, Foxcroft DR. Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in non-school settings (protocol). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD005030. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005030.
  • Moore, D, Rhodes T. Social theory in drug research, drug policy and harm reduction, International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15: 323-325.
  • Morgan, O., Griffiths, C., Majeed, A. Association between mortality from suicide in England and antidepressant prescribing: an ecological study. Public Health 2004; 4, 63.
  • Morgan, O., Griffiths, C., Baker, A., Majeed, A. Fatal toxicity of antidepressants in England and Wales, 1993-2002. Journal of Health and Statistics Quarterly 2004; 23, 18-24.
  • Rhodes, T., Davis, M., Judd, A. Hepatitis C and its risk management among drug injectors in London: renewing harm reduction in the context of uncertainty. Addiction 2004; 99, 621-33.
  • Rhodes, T., Judd, A., Mikhailova, L. A., Sarang, A., Khutorskoy, M., Platt, L., Lowndes, C.M., Renton, A. Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russia: maximising the protective effects of syringe distribution. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2004; 35, 293-300.
  • Rhodes, T., Sarang, A., Bobrik, A., Bobkov, E., Platt L. HIV transmission and HIV prevention associated with injecting drug use in the Russian Federation. International Journal of Drug Policy 2004; 15, 1-16.
  • Rutter, D., Manley, C., Weaver, T., Crawford, M., Fulop, N. Patients or Partners? Case studies of user involvement in the planning and delivery of adult mental health services in London. Social Science and Medicine 2004; 58, 1973-84.
  • Rutter, D., Tyrer, P., Emmanuel, J., Weaver, T., Byford, S., Hallam, A., Simmonds, S., Ferguson,B. Internal vs. external care management in severe mental illness: Randomised controlled trial and qualitative study. Journal of Mental Health 2004; 13, 453-466.
  • Sell, L., Zador, D. Patients prescribed injectable heroin or methadone - their opinions and experiences of treatment. Addiction 2004; 99, 442-9.
  • Sorhaindo A, Becker D, Fletcher H, Garcia S, Mitchell S. Exploring knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraceptive pills among university students in Jamaica: A qualitative approach. West Indian Medical Journal 2004;53:33-38.
  • Strang J, & McCambridge J. Is it possible for practitioner ratings to predict outcome in motivational interviewing? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2004 27: 83-88.
  • Strang J, McCambridge J, Platts S, Groves P. Engaging the reluctant GP in care of the drug misuser: pilot study of Change-Orientated Reflective Listening (CORL). Family Practice 2004 21: 150-154.
  • Tyrer, P., Weaver, T. Desperately seeking solutions: the search for appropriate treatment for co-morbid substance misuse and psychosis. Psychiatric Bulletin 2004; 28, 1-2.
  • van Beek, I., Kimber, J., Dakin, A., and Gilmour, S. (2004). The Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre: reducing harm associated with heroin overdose. Critical Public Health 14(4), 391–406.
  • Weaver, T., Stimson, G. V., Tyrer, P., Barnes, T., Renton, A. What are the implications for clinical management and service development of prevalent comorbidity in UK mental health and substance misuse treatment populations? Drugs, Education, Prevention and Policy 2004; 11, 329-48.
  • Wiessing, L., Ncube, F., Hedrich, D., Griffiths, P., Hope, V. D., Gill, N., Hamers, F., de la Fuente L., Klavs, I., Leinikki, P., Blystad, H., Meheus, A., Rezza, G., Stimson, G. V., Goldberg, D. Surveillance of infectious diseases in IDUs across the EU: information from the EU expert network. Eurosurveillance Weekly 2004; 8.